Republican Herogue's Gallery of Even More Reasons 

to Vote Republican in 2004

(or, Why I'm Voting Democrat in 2004)

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 The Salt Lake Tribune, home state paper of Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT), is reporting that the Senator has proposed amending the US Constitution to allow naturalized immigrants, such as his good friend Arnold Schwarzenegger, to run for President.

In 1998 Hatch told MSNBC that he would support the fundamentalist Afghan rebels again even if he knew that it would create another bin Laden. "It was worth it", Hatch said.

"We should not reveal our interrogation techniques to our enemies," said Senator Hatch, Republican of Utah. "There must be some reasonable limits on what can and should be disclosed by the executive branch to Congress and the public about the war against terrorism." (Especially if we're using the terrorists' own techniques)