Republican Herogue's Gallery of Even More Reasons 

to Vote Republican in 2004

(or, Why I'm Voting Democrat in 2004)

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 After handing Chalabi's team over $27 million in U.S. taxpayer dollars, largely because he told them what they wanted to hear, that Iraq had WMD, the people would welcome the U.S., and Iraq's oil resources would be handed to U.S. oil companies if Chalabi were president of Iraq, Bush was heard to say, "You can piss on Chalabi".

Chalabi pushed persistently for an armed overthrow of Saddam, especially after George W. Bush was elected and some of Chalabi's chief sympathizers—most notably Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle—gained high posts in the Pentagon.

For the hard-liners at the Defense Department, the raid came as a surprise. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and his senior deputies, Paul Wolfowitz and Douglas Feith, got the news from the media.

From November 2002: "Chalabi would hand over Iraq's oil to U.S. multinationals, and his allies in conservative think tanks are already drawing up the blueprints."  Oops.

Chalabi tipped Iran to the fact that the codes have been broken, saying he had gotten the information from an unidentified American.

Ahmad Chalabi and other exiled Iraqis grouped together in the Iraqi National Congress convinced the Pentagon that "liberated" Iraqis would welcome US troops with flowers and rice when they took Baghdad. Of course, as we now know from the growing toll of US causalities in Iraq, Chalabi and his cronies duped the Bush administration into believing what they wanted to hear.