Republican Media Whiners

A Rogues' Gallery of Even More Reasons 

to Vote Republican in 2004

(or, Why I'm Voting Democrat in 2004)

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 The Washington Post reports that Inside Edition never won the Peabody Award. Although, they did win a Polk award, but more than a year after O'Reilly had left the show.

Krugman—who knew what he was talking about—routinely cut off by O’Reilly, who didn’t.

Mommy, Al's using satire again. Make him stop!

But in O’Reilly’s world, ‘hate’ is synonymous with anything opposed to conservatism, Republicanism, George W. Bush or his administration, or – get ready for it – Bill O’Reilly.

Sweet Jesus, I hate Bill O'Reilly, Intl. an organization of hope