Even More!! Reasons to Vote Republican in 2004

(or, Why I'm Voting Democrat in 2004)

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 In the last five years of the Clinton presidency, Republicans blocked 20% of the nominees submitted to the Senate. In President Bush's first three years, only 3.4% of judicial nominees have been rejected. Already, the Senate has confirmed thirty Bush circuit court nominees—this is a greater number than President Clinton was allowed in his two full terms in office.

"A minority of Democratic senators has been using unprecedented obstructionist tactics to prevent him and other qualified nominees from receiving up-or-down votes," Mr. Bush said in a statement. "Their tactics are inconsistent with the Senate's constitutional responsibility and are hurting our judicial system."

Some History:  Judicial Appointments: Controversy and Accomplishment

President Bush is bent on packing the federal courts with extremists who have shown a willingness to rewrite statutes, distort precedent, and misrepresent facts.