Even More!! Reasons to Vote Republican in 2004

(or, Why I'm Voting Democrat in 2004)

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 Brutal Attacks Against Principled Opponents of Iraq War Un-American

From the "ProBush.com" Web Site: [t52 Note: The site below does add the footnote that this is a parody list because those identified are not "legal" traitors.  Apparently quite a few folks have inquired about having their names added to the list because for a sizeable fee one can be added.] 

Traitor: If you do not support our President's decisions you are a traitor...

Michael Moore: Treacherous Traitor

'Slime and Defend'

Finally, how else to explain that while the American people are making a bestseller out of a book by a conservative hit-woman who labels her political opponents traitors, they do not see that the real threat to freedom are those who think “national security” requires a blank check for the government.