Even More!! Reasons to Vote Republican in 2004

(or, Why I'm Voting Democrat in 2004)

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 Mr. Rove ... referred to "Wilson's wife" being a CIA employee.

Karl Rove- The Fat Sweaty Dork Running America

Rove's hero and mentor was Donald Segretti.  Segretti forged letters on fake Muskie campaign letterhead, disrupted rallies and fundraising dinners, and spread false stories about the sex lives of candidates. Segretti's brush also smeared George McGovern, George Wallace, Shirley Chisholm, and McGovern's first vice presidential choice, Senator Tom Eagleton.  Segretti of course did not go on to a high-level White House job -- he was sentenced to six months in federal prison for distributing illegal campaign material.

We couldn't make this stuff up:  http://www.ilovekarlrove.com/